" We’re living in a virtual world these days. We go to work from home, we attend virtual church over Zoom and, thank goodness, our virtual school is now history. Th…
In this time of the pandemic, the a lot of our communications with the world outside are heavily reliant on technology. Thankfully, a group who call themselves "Tee…
We love seeing how times have changed, and how far senior living has come. Today's article showcases how senior homes have since advanced with the times, and we must…
Today's article shows the correlation between muscle mass and longevity of life. Please note that although it is an informative and interesting read, we do not recom…
Just a quick feature on little businesses that focus on making the lives of the elderly a bit easier! Check them out here: https://www.financialexpress.com/money/5-st…
We are so proud to be part of the Benetas family, and are amazed at how much fun everyone is having with our services! Check out the feature below: https://www.beneta…
As you would already know, we at SilVR Adventures love a good story that talks of kindness, of artistry and bringing joy to the world, especially to the world of the eld…
In the time of this pandemic, how can a daily cuppa make things better? Well, according to Laura Seabright, a London-based teacher, she and her family have enjoyed a…
How did children find information before the invention of "Hey. Google"? " Google has long been the go-to place for people to find answers to their burn…
On helping the elderly in the time of the pandemic, that is! " As the country’s most vulnerable continue to isolate or shield themselves from, technology is provi…
In light of the tragedies happening around the world, we have decided to focus on areas that shed light on the greatness of humanity. Not to say that we are remaining si…
SilVR Adventures virtual reality programmes give residents at the beset assisted living and aged care communities the ability to expand and enrich their life experiences.
SilVR Adventures offers group experiences in virtual reality programmes at aged care facilities throughout Australia. Through shared group experiences in a world of virtual reality, SilVR Adventures helps users overcome social isolation.
Are you ready to make a difference in your facility?